Arduino Fox Beacon

Arduino (Nano) Fox Beacon
  Fox Beacon menggunakan Arduino Nano

  14 Pebruari 2022
  Jember, Jawa Timur - INDONESIA
  Oleh: JZ13OUK, Totok Adi Wihanto

  Arduino Nano

Klik untuk mengakses ArduinoNanoManual23.pdf

Modified from: Mike Myers ( @netnutmike This code is in the public domain. */ char* letters[] = { ".-", // A "-...", // B "-.-.", // C "-..", // D ".", // E "..-.", // F "--.", // G "....", // H "..", // I ".---", // J "-.-", // K ".-..", // L "--", // M "-.", // N "---", // O ".--.", // P "--.-", // Q ".-.", // R "...", // S "-", // T "..-", // U "...-", // V ".--", // W "-..-", // X "-.--", // Y "--.." // Z }; char* numbers[] = { "-----", // 0 ".----", // 1 "..---", // 2 "...--", // 3 "....-", // 4 ".....", // 5 "-....", // 6 "--...", // 7 "---..", // 8 "----." // 9 --- end of 1st segment of borrowed code from Mike Myers }; byte pin_delay1 = 2; byte pin_delay2 = 3; byte pin_delay3 = 4; byte pin_delay4 = 5; byte pin_delay5 = 6; byte pin_delay6 = 7; byte pin_led = 13; byte pin_ptt = 9; byte pin_tone = 8; int jeda_Delay[7] = {0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30}; byte jeda_dipilih = 1; byte flag_jeda = 0; int frequency = 1000; // frequency of tone int dotDelay = 100; // duration of the dot in morse code, this is also the time between the dots and dashes int charDelay = dotDelay * 2; // duration of the wait between letters for Farsnworth method int wordDelay = dotDelay * 4; // duration of the wait between words for Farsnworth method int hitung = 0; void setup() { // initialize the digital pin as an output. pinMode(pin_delay1, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(pin_delay2, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(pin_delay3, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(pin_delay4, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(pin_delay5, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(pin_delay6, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(pin_ptt, OUTPUT); pinMode(pin_tone, OUTPUT); pinMode(pin_led, OUTPUT); delay(1000); } void loop() { static unsigned long timer = millis(); if (millis() - timer >= 1000) { if (digitalRead(pin_delay1) == LOW) { if (jeda_dipilih != 1) { jeda_dipilih = 1; flag_jeda = 1; } } if (digitalRead(pin_delay2) == LOW) { if (jeda_dipilih != 2) { jeda_dipilih = 2; flag_jeda = 1; } } if (digitalRead(pin_delay3) == LOW) { if (jeda_dipilih != 3) { jeda_dipilih = 3; flag_jeda = 1; } } if (digitalRead(pin_delay4) == LOW) { if (jeda_dipilih != 4) { jeda_dipilih = 4; flag_jeda = 1; } } if (digitalRead(pin_delay5) == LOW) { if (jeda_dipilih != 5) { jeda_dipilih = 5; flag_jeda = 1; } } if (digitalRead(pin_delay6) == LOW) { if (jeda_dipilih != 6) { jeda_dipilih = 6; flag_jeda = 1; } } if (flag_jeda == 1) { flag_jeda = 0; hitung = 0; } if (jeda_dipilih > 0) { hitung++; if (hitung == jeda_Delay[jeda_dipilih]) { hitung = 0; digitalWrite(pin_led, HIGH); digitalWrite(pin_ptt, HIGH); delay(500); tone(pin_tone, frequency); delay(3000); noTone(pin_tone); delay(500); SendText("FOX1 FOX1 FOX1 DE JZ13OUK"); delay(500); tone(pin_tone, frequency); delay(3000); noTone(pin_tone); delay(500); digitalWrite(pin_ptt, LOW); digitalWrite(pin_led, LOW); } } } } void morseCodeSequence(char* sequence) { int i = 0; while (sequence[i] != NULL) { dotOrDash(sequence[i]); i++; } delay(charDelay); } void SendText(char* MorseCodeLetters) { int i = 0; char ch; while (MorseCodeLetters[i] != NULL) { ch = MorseCodeLetters[i]; if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') { morseCodeSequence(letters[ch - 'a']); } else if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') { morseCodeSequence(letters[ch - 'A']); } else if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') { morseCodeSequence(numbers[ch - '0']); } else if (ch == ' ') { delay(wordDelay); } else { } i++; } delay(charDelay); } void dotOrDash(char dotOrDash) { tone(pin_tone, frequency); if (dotOrDash == '.') { delay(dotDelay); } else { delay(dotDelay * 3); } noTone(pin_tone); delay(dotDelay); }

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